“ …the invention involves physical steps carried out on a physical product using physical apparatus, to produce a physical and tangible result. ”
An example of an autonomous vehicle patent is Australian Patent 2012337399 titled “Method and system for driving a mining and/or construction machine”. This invention, from the Swedish company Epiroc, prevents a machine (eg. a mine truck) from colliding by retarding the machine before the machine collides. Below is an exemplary method:
Briefly, the laddertube® is made of rigid plastics material with the interior side wall of the tubes moulded to form a ladder extending the full length of the tube. As an enclosed product, the laddertube® is not as vulnerable to water, salt or other mineral deposits, achieving both efficiency and safety. The patent is owned by theAustralian companyHiram(WA)Pty Ltd, and has already been installed in 21 countries. MI NE OPERAT ION MON I TOR I NG SYSTEM Another innovation from Technological Resources Pty Ltd, is embodied in Australian Patent 2010305329 and relates to a mine operation monitoring system. The remote operation of mines is a field that has gone hand in hand with the development of autonomous mining technology, unsurprisingly. The inventors of this particular patent realised that there were challenges with identifying real-time information of a mine operation, specifically the vehicles, for someone viewing/ monitoring it from a remote location. The core subject matter of the patent is that the identifier (mine vehicle)hastheappearanceofaminevehicleandsimultaneously displays the status information within that identifier by its appearances. Accordingly, one can discern whether the vehicle is empty or partially full, whether it is travelling (is it travelling TO a pick-up location or FROM) and the speed that it is travelling (by different colours).
CONCLUS ION These Australian patents are just a few examples of what might at first blush be thought of as simply ‘a good idea’ and that have become innovative and practical solutions for the mining industry. It reminds us to never dismiss a good idea as ‘not patentable’ or ‘not worth protecting’. These patents also highlight the broad range of subject matter that can be patented in the areas of mining and mineral processing.Remember,when indoubt,pleaseaskyouradvisorat Wrays. Never assume that something that provides you with a competitive advantage is not patentable.
The method comprises determining and estimating various factors (e.g. distance and/or speed) in respect of an ‘obstacle’, by means of a control system, activating steering commands and retardation. UNDERGROUND MI N I NG Due to the harsh conditions of underground mining, the equipment used underground is particularly vulnerable to corrosion, requiring frequent maintenance. For example, conventional ladderways in the form of a steel ladder surrounded with a steel mash caging are constantly exposed to groundwater and seepage. Australian Patent 2014225271 titled “Laddertube for Underground Raises” provides a ladderway in the form of a tube used for, amongst other things, an emergency escape through which underground miners can access the surface in a protected manner in the event of an accident.
ELLEN CHA Technical Assistant
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