The Gatherer - Volume 8
REBECCA HEMBLING Head of Business Development & Marketing JESSICA LAVLLE Marketing & Business Development Consultant LOUISA TAYLOR-BOND Graphic Designer, Reflect Design CONTRIBUTORS ALBERT FERRALORO Principal TIM FRANCIS Principal PHILIP GEHRIG Principal
I ’m thrilled to share the latest edition of The Gatherer with you – our regular flagship publication developed to inspire our clients and aide them in their continued growth and education. The Gatherer seeks to provide you with the most relevant insights and news into the ever-changing intellectual property landscape, both in Australia and across the globe. In this edition, we bring you insights, perspectives and information across a range of topics, including the impact of legalising cannabis on our trade mark market, imminent changes to our consumer data rights, the impact of geographical indications on our trade deal with the EU, and the opportunities for disruption women are creating in STEM. Medicinal cannabis has become a hot topic in recent years, with major nations across the globe preparing for a paradigm shift on its acceptability in the modern society. Australia is on the cusp of this shift, with more than 20 medical cannabis related companies listed on the ASX last year. However, the law stipulates that a trade mark cannot be registered if it contains ‘scandalous matter’ or the use of which would be contrary to law.
Evan Wong, founder of RegTech startup Checkbox – a multi- award winning platform that is transforming regulation into software – recently took some time out of his busy schedule to drop into Pioneer headquarters to chat to Wrays’ CEO Rob Pierce about his remarkable entrepreneurial career which (spoiler alert!) commenced long before Checkbox began. This edition of Pioneer, our podcast series for serious innovators, offers an intriguing insight into the professional evolution one of the RegTech industry’s youngest innovators. With so much happening in the intellectual property landscape, I hope that this publication brings to light some of the exciting trends we’re observing – or that you’ve discovered something new! As always, if you’d like to be part of our Pioneer series or contribute content or ideas for future editions of The Gatherer, please contact a member of our editorial team – they’d love to hear from you.
Jennifer McEwan explores the dilemma between these legal
principles with the multi-billion dollar global medical cannabis market and how they should be reconciled. The fourth industrial revolution is here! And the Internet of Things is not only providing us with consumer goods, like smartwatches and smart light bulbs, but it is also changing the way we manufacture. Earlier this year, our good friends at Sheda attended Hannover Messe, the world’s biggest manufacturing fair, and have kindly provided a contribution to update our readers on the newest trends in the manufacturing industry. As a start-up, you’ve probably got a lot on your to-do list, from completing your MVP to refining your business model and planning your strategy. If you’re wondering whether you have the time and budget to make intellectual property a priority over everything else you need to do, then Adrian Huber’s top IP tips is a must read. Adrian explores the importance of IP and shares some of the most common pieces of advice we routinely give to our start-up clients.
Message from our CEO
Cannabis trade marks - no longer up in smoke
OneMusic brings one-stop music licensing to Australia REBECCA HEMBLING Head of Business Development & Marketing ADRIAN HUBER Special Counsel CHRIS JUHASZ Principal JAYDEN LEE Associate
In the spotlight with Bindhu Holavanahalli
10 Industry 4.0 revolution - advanced manufacturing for the future 13 Women in tech - stronger together 14 PIONEER: Evan Wong, founder of Checkbox 18 Three IP tips for the opening act of your start-up journey 20 BREXIT update 22 LES: Is it for you? 24 The IP Perspective with Chris Juhasz 26 Is your product protected by geographical indications? 28 Industry Insider JENNIFER MCEWAN Principal JUDITH MILLER Principal ROBERT PIERCE CEO EIKE ZELLER Head of IoT Product Development at Sheda
30 Welcome to Wrays - Philip Gehrig 31 WHAT’S ON: Calendar of Events
ROBERT PIERCE CEO T +61 8 9216 5115
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